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Welcome to ways of well - where you'll get the support and guidance you need to make your wellness goals a reality, feel at balance, and live an empowered, and healthy life! 

Meet Sarah

Hey, I'm so happy to meet you!

My name is Sarah, I am the face behind ways of well.


I am a holistic health & wellness coach for women, yoga teacher and meditation instructor. 


My journey into the health and wellness began early, sparked by an adventure to India as an 18-years-old for my very first yoga teacher training. From there, my path unfolded, marked by constant learning, re-direction and finding more and more to myself.


Deep inside, I always held onto the dream of being self-employed and creating my own health-focused business. Yet, when I turned 20, I took a different route and became a flight attendant. For five years, I flew around the world, gathering incredible experiences. Even during those years, I kept feeding my curiosity by enrolling in courses and delving deeper into health and wellness research.


After 5 years and many amazing experiences, I quit to finally pursue my dream full time.


Life is an incredible journey, full of fresh chances every day, and the power to change direction whenever we wish.

My Journey





200 hours Certified Yoga Teacher in India

Certified Health Coach with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

100 hours Yoga Training and Basics of Ayurveda in India

300 hours Certified Yoga Teacher in India




  • Women's Holistic Health Coach

  • Vegan Nutrition Coach

  • Meditation Teacher

  • Yin Yoga Teacher

  • Pilates Teacher

The Philosophy

To get where you want to be, you don't have to be extreme - but consistent. 


Achieving true health and wellness are one of the only things that can't simply be purchased – no money in the world buys you health "just like that".  


It's an ongoing journey that requires consistent effort and care.

We shouldn't just focus on it when our body starts showing symptoms  - it's something to prioritize every day.


As Queen Elizabeth II put it: "It's worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change." 



Quick fixes and one-size-fits-all approaches won't cut it because true health is unique to everyone.


Install the right habits that work for YOU that will help you get closer to your wellness goals.

Always remember, health and wellness is a journey, not a destination. 



Learn to work with your body, not against it.


If you need support making your wellness goals a reality and living an empowered, healthy life,

schedule a free discovery call to see if working together is a great fit. 

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